108 for 2024, 01/01, 1:30-3:30 p, In-Studio & Virtual, Amber A., Rachel S., Jenny Bo., Jessie R.
108 Sun Salutations
Lead by Jenny Bones, Amber Ackerley, Rachel Sammon, and Jessica Rodriguez
Each practitioner utilizes a pace. variation(s), & intensity throughout one’s individual practice. One may choose to devote their practice toward an individual, discover a moving meditation with awareness. and/ or awaken the Tapas for a burning of old rising to new with focus & action.
Class will offer descriptions and visuals for many variations. Students are encouraged to listen to their bodies.
Class may end approximately 3:00- 3:30 pm
Class is offered virtually and in-studio
Regular exchange $24, class is included & is a free event for students with a Membership