Lancaster Food Hub: June's Poses with Purpose

June's Poses with Purpose benefits Lancaster County Food Hub and takes place in the hub warehouse! Taught by Jenny Bones, enjoy this class, take a tour of the hub, refreshments, and a tour. Who ever said, "I'm doing Yoga in a Warehouse today?!" We do! And Our Poses have Purpose! "Helping our neighbors thrive through sharing the resources they need most: food, clothing, & shelter all with faith & compassion!" Lancaster County Food Hub has: - Served 35,790 Individuals Food - Clothed 11,742 Individuals - Provided protection and warmth through their Winter Shelter all here in Lancaster with the help of Our Community Volunteers. To learn more about the Lancaster Food Hub click here.

Join us For Class AT The Lancaster Food Hub on June 27th from 3:30- 4:30, Tour the Warehouse afterwards. A portion of the class will support LFH, class $15.

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