NEUROMEDITATION: For ADHD and Swimming Minds, 8/10, 2-3:30 pm
Learn to apply specific targeted meditation techniques to induce focus & concentration today.
NeuroMeditation techniques are designed to give you tools and a scientifically based structure to achieve your needs and goals, even if you’ve struggled with meditation in the past.
Reduce distractibility
Improve focus
Increase mental stability
Decrease symptoms of ADHD
Slow or reverse cognitive decline
Improve symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury
Increase memory
Alleviate active depression
NeuroMeditation was founded by Dr. Jeff Tarrant of the NeuroMeditation Institute in Eugene, Oregon. Dr Tarrant has been studying meditation and the brains of people who meditate for 2 decades using EEG.
EEGs stands for Electroencephologram and measures electrical activity in the brain using small electrodes which are placed on the surface of the skin. These frequency measurements provide vital information on the impact meditation styles have on our various states of consciousness. August 10th, 2-3:30 PM.