Virtual CLasses

Classes that offer a Virtual option include Virtual in the Room Location. Many classes are offered both In Studio and Virtually- simply sign up.

When it is time for your class to begin click the “Join Now” from Our Schedule, from your West End Yoga Studio App, or from Your Wellness Living Profile online under the “My Schedule” tab. Zoom will automatically open without the need for you to log into a Zoom account.

Watch this video to see how to join a Virtual Class.

Those that wish to take a Virtual Class at a different time may request a recording here after booking the virtual class.

Virtual On- Demand Classes & Workshops

Guided Meditation Virtually Free with West End Yoga Studio Lancaster PA

Morning Guided Meditation

With Keith, 30 min. No Cost

West End Yoga Studio Lancaster PA Race Against Racism Pre-Run Stretch with the YWCA

Pre-Run Stretch with the YWCA

A free, 10 minute stretch with Amber Ackerley

Create Your Own: 5 Class Virtual Bundle To Mix & Match

This Virtual Class Bundle includes 5 separate sequences designed to allow the Practitioner to pick and build their own class or to be played together for a full & balanced 1 hour Yoga Practice. Mix and match as your mood shifts and Create Your Own Class You will receive 6 private links including the full Flow, and 1 of each Sequence. .  This will be yours forever to take when ever and wherever you would like.

5 Sequences:

Gentle Stretches & Movement with Megan Hall-Bunty 

Vinyasa for Everybody with Neida Ratzlaff

Vinyasa with Jessica Rodriguez

Relaxing Stretches with Jenny Bones

Relaxation & Meditation with Rachel Sammon 

The Stories and Symbols of Yoga:

A Virtual Course with Sonia Karas

The Stories and Symbols of Yoga Virtual Course with Sonia Karas

Have you ever wanted to learn the stories of the Gods and Goddesses but didn't know where to start? Join Sonia in
this video series where she guides you through the tales and significance of the Trimurti, the Devi, the significance of OM and three allegorical images.  An incredible resource for yoga teachers looking to deepen their dharma in classes, and students wishing to explore the world of yoga  beyond asana. $60

Watch any time, anywhere, as many times as you would like.