A Gathering of Gratitude for the Harvest, SOUND with Monica Mullen & GENTLE YOGA with Jessie Rodriguez

The Autumn Equinox marks the first day of Fall and is honored and celebrated in many cultures and traditions. Gather with us as we are guided by the healing vibrations of Sound with and gentle Yoga.

The focus will be on gratitude for all that we have been gifted throughout the Spring and Summer harvests. We will celebrate the abundance that we have experienced in nature, the work that we have done, and the many gifts of the past quarter. Our space will be completed with a collaborative alter embodying the product of Our work and blessings, Autumn fruits & nourishment, and more. Gentle Yoga and Sound will be weaved through Our hour and a half time offering options for all. Traditional Autumn fruits & light foods will also be offered as a symbol of the sharing Our abundance in the winter to support one another and nature in the coming season.

  • Mats will be available to borrow

  • Please wear layers and bring blankets for comfort

  • Yoga will be accessible for all

  • Located at Buchanan Park

  • Walk-Ups are welcome, Cash, CC, Venmo

  • The exchange is $40 and includes Sound Meditation, Gentle Yoga, and refreshments

  • Those that hold a Studio Community Membership, $35

Sound has been used in meditations for many moons. As we are moving through interesting times, it is of high importance that we practice being centered and nurture inner peace. Sound meditations are a profound tool for that. By placing your attention on the sound instead of the chatter in the mind, it slows brain waves from beta to theta, signaling the body to relax, allowing you to feel safe so your body can recalibrate, instead of being prepared for fight or flight, creating space for inner peace.

Sound Bath and Sound Meditation

Monica Mullen, Sound Alchemist

Members, $35

Students, $40

JRWest End Yoga Studio