Preschool Play Yoga 8/22 9-9:30 am, 10-10:30 am

Join in for the fun!  Bring a Yoga Mat or Towel along and play with Yoga!  Start your tikes' out with a positive Yoga experience- building body awareness, motor movements, and beginning to learn a new form of movement.  Please feel free to come along with the gang ages 3-5 or 5-8!  Walk Ups are welcome.  We will meet at 9:00 am for ages 3-5 for Preschool Yoga Play & 10:00 am for ages 5-8 for Stories in Motion Yoga: Destination Playground in Overlook Park.  Parents who stay for this class and are encouraged to interact and have some Yoga Play too!

Colleen has a Master’s Degree in Education and is a certified Reading Specialist. Through the years, she has taught grades K-8.  She currently teaches at a local preschool, in addition to providing yoga classes as a 200 H. Yoga Instructor.  Collene mixes her two passions as she offers Yoga to children using her strong foundation in childhood education.  With Collene's experience and training she makes an imprint in the early years with Yoga and sets the path for exploration and growth. $16 Per Child, Pay Online or When You Arrive.

Ages 3-5 9:00- 9:30 am

Ages 5-8 10:00- 10:30 am

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