Memorial Day Flow at Buchanan Park!


Start your Summer and Holiday off with some strength, flexibility and fun! Join our instructor Rachel Heisey for a 1-time Memorial Day morning Yoga & Strength class in the park!

Looking to increase your energy? Your health? Physically sculpt and stretch? Or just enjoy the outdoors this Memorial Day?! This class will do all of the above!

Rachel will teach a one-hour class by the Rose Garden in Buchanan Park that will mix Yoga, Barre & Pilates. This class will be taught for all bodies and fitness levels - so you can feel comfortable no matter your experience level. The class will be built to increase your joy (something we all love to add to our Summer!), challenge your muscles in a fun caring way, lengthen your muscles to nourish your joints, all while energizing your whole body!

Come practice and learn to love the skin your in, to embrace and work with your divinely-created body and to start your Summer in a body-positive physically energizing way. All will leave feeling refreshed and excited about their Summer and the body they have.